Serrans are lay Catholics – men and women of all ages and from all walks of life dedicated to promote and foster vocations.
[email protected]
Pete Deichert 701.663.0959
Amy Richter 701.214.8981
Amy Schmidt 701.471.6099
In an effort to be more accessible to Catholics of all ages,
we have restructured our meeting format and dues!
Our monthly meeting is on the 2nd Friday of the month for lunch
and enrichment at the Bismarck Municipal Country Club
Serra Mass for Vocations and fellowship at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit or St. Anne's Church (alternating schedule) on the 4th Saturday of the month at 8:00am
“Serrans accept as their responsibility the promotion of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. They possess a deep appreciation of the ministerial priesthood as being essential to the Church. Serrans have been generous in offering their support to those who hear the call to serve Christ in the priesthood.”
– St. John Paul II